Saturday, September 3, 2011


So I have neglected this blog for a few years now, but I would like to change that. I feel like I keep too much inside, so I need a healthy outlet to let it all out.

Isolation. That is how I am going to describe my current feelings towards my lifestyle. I am alone, or so it truly feels. I'm not in a relationship at the moment, and there is nothing that leads me to believe I will be in one anytime in the near future. I mean, when am I suppose to meet someone? Being a veterinary student means being in class from 8 to 5 on most days followed by several hours of studying per night, assuming I can keep myself focused. I've never really been the kind of girl who feels she 'needs' a boyfriend in order to be happy, but it doesn't mean that I don't want one. I want to know that I have a real future with somebody.

Unfortunately, it isn't just my status as 'single' that has me feeling so alone. My friendships just aren't what they use to be, and, I don't know, maybe that is part of being an adult. I feel like I've lost whatever connection I had to many of my friends, and with others, I feel like they just don't care as much. Maybe it is just perception. Maybe I am seeing it differently than how it really is. I don't know. I just know that it is much worse to feel like all of my friends are slipping away than it is to be sans boyfriend.

So, what am I to do?
Not much. I just have to endure, I suppose. Making new friends right now is possible but unlikely with my current school situation. I just have to keep thinking that it will all work itself out, and I will climb out of this pit of social isolation.

1 comment:

dorz11 said...

Seems thing have turned around quite a bit since such a bleak beginning of the semester!