Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jury Duty

My mom came down this past weekend for a visit, and with her she brought my first jury duty summons. My first thought was "crap" because I wasn't in the mood to deal with such things. I attend school in Louisiana, so it isn't like I would be able to serve anyway. The more I think about it, though, the more I feel like fulfilling that duty one day. I watch a lot of those criminal law shows, and even though I know the shows are not an exact representation of the justice system, they do help me realize how important juries are. I may not be able to serve while attending school out of state, but I don't think I am going to complain the next time I get summoned and can actually appear.



dorz11 said...

Last time I got called I showed up and they told me to go home!

jlester01 said...

I've been asked to serve twice. Once, they sent me to juvenile court. We didn't serve, but as they told us, our main purpose was as intimidation - when teens see a bunch of adults waiting to be their jury in a trial, they will do just about anything to avoid it - own up to whatever the crime was, and take the deal. The second time was for shoplifting. That was when I realized there really are ppl watching when you try on clothes in those places... ick.